Charlie shows up and guess what's trending.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
Saw this at the top of the trending list on Twitter just now:

I remember the thread where Charlie was going the hell off on this game and it's developer for shady practices, pump and dumps and all that jazz. I've been seeing the commercials for it with Keanu Reeves spammed all over the place.

Now this.

Charlie called this last year if memory serves. I might have to reactivate the old forum and see if I can find that post.
Saw this at the top of the trending list on Twitter just now:

I remember the thread where Charlie was going the hell off on this game and it's developer for shady practices, pump and dumps and all that jazz. I've been seeing the commercials for it with Keanu Reeves spammed all over the place.

Now this.

Charlie called this last year if memory serves. I might have to reactivate the old forum and see if I can find that post.
Ya damned right I called this. Now I just laugh at people who bought the game. In general, the biggest thing in this current society is people do not think for themselves anymore. The over saturation of social media has turned people into Consooomers. They buy everything on hype and influencers.

The information was out there for anyone to data mine. I started to look into CDPR as well as a few other companies starting in 2016. I'll give you the details later on what I believe truly went down.

But in a nutshell, they balled face lied to their customer base and are now spin doctoring everything to make things not so bad, but in a passive aggressive manner. Like just about every fucking Eastern European Company Does when they get caught producing sub par material.
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Why... yes... YES THEY DID!!!
The lawsuit will make some of this bullshit come out.

As I have said over a year ago and again a lot of this information is widely available that this game was going to be shit.
They promised a lot of things to drive up their stock. And they did.

but.... the most important thing is to get there home grown project known as Witcher to get mainstream... once they signed that deal with NetFix the Game was over and won.

Everything else was just icing on the cake as they knew that society today are a bunch of systematic retards that will believe whatever hype that is thrown at them.

13 million copies have been sold... $780 million gross@ 60 bucks per pop. Pretty much CDPR lied to make their millions as I believe their true intentions was Witcher all along..

Now merry xmas as I am going to try to get some sleep. I look like the picture... incredibly pissed off and angry at the world.
man ole man.. This stuff just keeps getting worse don't it. Is there anything that can be done to stop this stuff at all ? And, regulatory help or aid the could help the situation some ? Not the bad type, but the good type... People who really understand this stuff. It might not solve the whole problem, I get that. But, something that would help.

It has to start with the people paying, the players, and the industry of course too.
So, the bottom line is Charlie, if you had power, what would you do to fix this stuff? IF you had the regulatory power at the top. And, had some power to use the proper medicine to help the system, "What you do on this issue ? to help combat the situation ?"
First of all CDPR is in Poland. So everything has to be towards their government end for regulation.

Next the video gaming industry is the wild west of raping everyone out of there money. There is no real regulation except flapping their lips.

Next the video gaming industry is self regulating, whether it is TIGA in the UK or whatever fucking organization the US has, it is self regulating. That's like giving a Heroin Addict his own Methadone bottle and syringe and tell them to go a head and take the proper dosage... It does not work.

In Eastern Europe the only thing that gets through is violence/aggression of some sort. You must be a Wolf in a pack of dogs.
You know these assholes are smiling.... all the way to the bank... They got their goal and then some.

Big fucking deal with the lawsuit. A few million lost is not going to hurt the billions they made off of their Witcher line.

If I actually had the power I ban CDPR from doing business in the US as well as Freeze their assets in the US until they fix this abortion of a game. That would get them and the rest of the global video gaming industries attention.

People do not understand that in business the pussies hide behind their money. You have to take their money away or curb it from them. And I deal with a lot of pussies of late.

But Corporations, regardless of what sector they are in are firmly in control on how they make their money.
Generation FAIL gave them the keys to their financial raping of themselves and the next generation below them.
And, to one again clarify this generation Fail, who are they ?

Are we talking about the people born in 1980 onward ? Or just before that or ?