Ahskance - A guy that has no business being a Community Manager.

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Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
This guy has just recently come to my attention, and I have to tell you, how this guy is a community manager is completely beyond me. Every single link I click on about him, he's a crybaby or bully or idiot.

I guess it's just typical of what Wargaming as a whole has become - they scrape the bottom of the barrel to get any fat, lonely, has nothing to do but game all day guy that will say 'yes' to anything Wargaming tells them to say yes to.

And the, of course, he uses his position to go into games and bully others. Such as:


I mean, really? A Community Manager essentially telling a guy he shouldn't be playing the game?

And Ahskance is a carrier player that is trash talking a destroyer player about farming? That's about like the bank robber telling the car jacker what a criminal he is.

Then, there's the fact that he bans people that make him look stupid or incompetent; which is apparently pretty easy to do.

There's this:

The skinny:
I was permanently banned for disagreeing with a forum moderator on the Wargaming forums over how the new 25% experience "bonus" announced by Wargaming today would work.​
I was banned, PERMANENTLY, for being correct.​
The data now conclusively shows that wargaming, once again, lied to us.​

And then there's this:

The skinny:
Forum moderator posted and said:​
"It is a 25% bonus over current baseline to help inspire use of the random method."
I disagreed, and I said so:​
"This will be, at least, a 25% nerf over what we have now.
Regardless of how many times Wargaming tries to sell this change as an "improvement" to operations, we all know what it really it:
This is a straight NERF to Narai, and those who farm Narai for high levels of of Exp, CXP and FXP.
Wargaming has repeatedly nerfed operations and Narai in particular, and they are doing it again.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I realize what Askance said, I don't believe it.
Wait and see, when the new operations come out, the earning for individuals playing random operations will be about the same as they were before the change. If EXP is the same as before for individuals playing random operations, that will mean that the earnings for groups with be 25% less than they were before.

So Ahskance lied, got caught in the lie, and when questioned about it he just starts perma-banning people.

Typical Wargaming. Nothing ever changes there to anything but worse.

Exhibit A:
The Skinny: (by Cyberwake)
Context for those that are having a hard time inferring: The post above is an analysis done by [RAIN] Sister (not me or the OP) of Ahskance's reaction video to PQ's CV video. This was originally written by Sister as a stream of conscience in Ahskance's discord server and has not been formatted for easy reading.​
For those that haven't watched Ahskance's video, it is very long and rambling and I found that watching it is a highly questionable use of time. Usually, Ahskance either misinterprets the point made in PQ's video or fails to address the specific argument presented entirely by going on a tangent and then acts as though he somehow proved it incorrect or just moves past it.​
Sister's analysis above goes over most of Ahskance's video and discusses the flaws in his arguments as they pop up. The basic takeaway is (in my own words): if you're looking for coherent arguments in defense of carriers it's not gonna be coming from Ahskance.​

This guy must pay Wargaming for the priviledge to be a Community Manager. Seriously. I can't think of any other explanation.

And the payoff of it is that the World of Warships community KNEW he would be bad at it and actually WARNED people he would be bad at it:

Some of the comments:
  • Yes. But he is also very biased and partisan when the word come about Cv's. Up to the point where he denies facts and bends the truth. So. match made in heaven. Or some other places
  • . His opinions on CVs don't matter, he isn't the one who makes the calls on their balancing.
    That's correct. However his behavior does matter.
    On 11/24/2021 at 8:31 PM, Hakssor said:
    WG NA lost a lot of people,
    That's also correct.
    On 11/24/2021 at 8:31 PM, Hakssor said:
    .... I don't understand why throw even more hate at them, even before doing anything.
    This is not hate. i whish only the best for him . However I had quite a few runins with him and I know a few things .
  • I see more people getting Perma bans on the NA forum soon. (And this actually happened. A LOT.)
  • He will go even further than just bending the facts about the CV vs other ship interactions. To the point where he will say that the CV is the weakest type in the game. This, despite the fact that his WR in CV is over 7% higher than any other ship type.

It just goes on and on and on. The guy is just awful in every way imaginable.
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