Three Canadians with mental health conditions receive legal access to psilocybin mushrooms


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

Three Canadians struggling with mental health conditions have received exemptions to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act from the federal Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos.
The Section 56 exemptions, granted last Monday, allow the individuals to legally undergo psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy. The patients had waited up to 283 days for a response.

They were assisted in their applications by TheraPsil, a B.C.-based non-profit coalition that has been advocating for legal, compassionate access to psilocybin therapy since 2019 .

The organization has now helped 47 patients secure Section 56 exemptions, with the first four exemptions occurring in August 2020. Spencer Hawkswell, the organization’s CEO, called these recent exemptions “the most important news that we’ve had since then.”
There's a very interesting article in Discover magazine last month about this sort of thing.

In experimental therapy they're using mushrooms and for many it seems to actually work. They have sessions with a guide and sometimes a friend or family member.

It's very interesting and makes perfect sense if you think about it: what better way to deal with an issue than be able to actually escape it and look back at it?
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I've never understood why governments are the ones that control substances and not the medical profession. It seems more than bullshit to me that a trained doctor has to go to some elected shit for brains and ask permission to use a drug to help his patient.
I've never understood why governments are the ones that control substances and not the medical profession. It seems more than bullshit to me that a trained doctor has to go to some elected shit for brains and ask permission to use a drug to help his patient.

Because a small minded man was going to lose his government job of alcohol prohibition and that would end the years of power he had grown accustomed to. So, he concocted the murdering madness of marijuana and kept his federal government power for years if not decades.
May I introduce the asshole who began the 'war on drugs' harry j anslinger